Tres Belle Petite Medi-Spa

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The Truth About Facial Scrubs

Dear Friends,

Listen, we know a facial scrub can be very tempting and even make your skin feel soft afterwards. The issue is is that your very top skin layer, the stratum corneum, is crucial in the protection and health of your skin. Scrubs can't reach your cellular level beneath the skin, where real change happens.

What happens when you scrub away at your stratum corneum is you risk irritating and damaging it. This is called physical exfoliation.

A preferrable form of exfoliation is called chemical exfoliation. When a liquid exfoliator is gently pressed into the skin, it makes its way to sweep away dead cells beneath the surface and encourages the regeneration of new fresh cells.

When a client tells us that they are using a physical exfoliator on their face, we suggest that they discontinue and use it on their arms and legs. We then suggest Lotion P50 by Biologique Recherche, considered the best skincare product of all time. It exfoliates on a cellular level, kills infection and helps the skin hold hydration.

Lotion P50 is the cornerstone of most every treatment we perform here at Tres Belle Spa. There is a formula for evey single skin type. When we are analyzing the skin, we are able to pinpoint the formula best for your very own skin.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss this magic product that’s been changing faces for 50 years! We love to talk and teach.

You can text us at 347-434-2072

Allison Tray l Tres Belle Spa

image: Corner Suite